~Cultivating Life~

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

~Shining Ruby~

I recently had the privilege to watch the film Ruby Sparks.
I won't say much about the film plot itself, or even what I felt I learned through watching it (I like to leave everyone to take what they will of their own accord from all books and movies rather than my subjective version of it).
The entire film took me on a journey...one far better than a round-the-world-traipsing-through-endless field-of-sunflowers-and-lilies-kind of a trip. But rather, a slow, steady climb through an (unexpected) cloud-filled, shadowy skyscape.
Hey! I thought, at first, as the plot trudged on....this isn't what I thought it would be. Yet (yes, one of my favorite hopeful little words) YET, as the film progressed....or perhaps what some would say--spiraled into a darker place than your run-of-the-mill Hollywood RomCom---I saw the cloud clusters riddling that sky begin to take shape....
Shapes I recognized....swirly and curly---of Dr Seuss dimensions....I KNEW these figures like the back of my hand. I willingly walked and climbed along the cloud-filled corridors of this script. Watching would seem like a trainwreck of two people---recklessly running down the tracks towards a tunnel with who knows what on the other side---somehow didn't scare me as I let it all sink in.
And the scene...THE SCENE...the culmination of all of my unspoken words and prayers and cries in the dark of night (of every soul's at one point in time I would imagine)....splayed its shattered glasshouse dialogue across the screen.

Repetitive...rising...building...manic madness---an audiovisual mirror--it unraveled...revealing the underbelly of consciousness.  And, as "You're a Genius!" "You're a Genius!" "You're a Genius!" arced and swelled---shrieking across the screen--its shrill siren scream silenced my soul...stilling every breath and thought as I waited.

It was real.
It was raw.
It was unable to be boxed in...the unruly, untidy awareness.
Questions swirl--

about identity...

about love...

about what that loaded, four-letter word truly means.
In a world where that particular four-letter word is flung wildly about--a penny to a wishing well--I beg of God, of myself, that I would be a Ruby that shines~

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