~Cultivating Life~

Saturday, September 8, 2012

~Fabric of A Family~


Once silk,
soft upon my skin,
the color purple,
like royalty

A cohesive quilt,
With deft fingers,
spun in skill,
The fabric of my family.

Extended to their limits,
reaching for the remnants
curled around this olive branch
holding onto hope
holding out for healing.

This schism
Now the sun smiles,
its shadows cast.
don't say it sweetly,
rather speak plainly.
salt in the wound doesn't scare me.

Like Thomas,
I would touch and see
to believe.

That what is said exists.

We are.
He is.
I am.

Or Can be.

For words are wondrous beings
chameleons changing color
blending as best they can
for survival they shift

they are scared.

And even now,
I refuse to be the fig,
I will not wither on this vine,
And though the desert is dry,
There are still streams of water to be found~

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