~Cultivating Life~

Sunday, March 25, 2012

~Seasons Greetings~

Although I live on a beautiful island where all is eternal sunshine and warmth, I still experience seasons.

I soak in sun-dappled summers—those days, weeks, years even—when I am tangibly aware of God’s daily blessings—as I feel their sweet kisses on my brow like warm rays beaming down on me from above. Yes, everything in this season seems bliss-filled and charmed beyond measure. Ah, Summer~

I skip through Springs---days strung together by misty mornings filled with light drizzling drops from Heaven that seem to bring all I see around me to life with vivid color and vibrant smells and sounds. These days I feel are characterized most by their hopefulness exuded….I almost imagine hope and cheerful expectation to be the pollen pods swept to and fro—alighted upon the honeybees’ wings as they go forth and brighten the world with seeds –of life--reveling in the wonder of renewal and regeneration—of newness and rebirth~

Fall finds me foraging through the closets---sensing that shift from the Summer season---not a sinister swing, yet all the same—I am aware I should reassess my wardrobe—clothing myself in corduroy and denim—soft sweaters—a kaleidoscope array of scarves and stockings….striped, with rainbows and (of course) rockin’ polka dots~

It is during these days that with every breath, I inhale the woodsy, earthy scents of time passing and life cycles sliding---one from another—around and around we go…I see the colors aflame among the trees—each leaf longing to stay connected to the tree it knows so well—that has nurtured it to this time---when it is at its most radiant and awe-inspiring state—bright, bold and striking in dramatic color. I watch and feel deeply the scene being played out before me—I sense the struggle of the leaf to remain resting upon the boughs---yet also survey the beauty of the bare branches that remain, after the leaf has allowed nature to take its course---has trusted in the weather to redeem in the next cycle—restoring life—and color—and communion with the arms of the arbor it loves so dear.

Now this--- my recent Winter—long a time of trepidation to me—I am learning now, daily—can also have its wonders. The cold I long feared—rather than giving me frostbite---has caused a healthy hue of rosy red to creep back into my cheeks. The brisk wind takes my breath away---and as I inhale with that sharp sense of shock---the air is sent swirling---I see it---billowing shafts—visible to my eyes—this undeniable reminder that I exhale…I exist. I am…everyday…breathing into the world….and this winter---I am also acutely aware—that I choose whether I will breathe goodness and light—or bitterness and defeat. I choose light….all the while, knowing….Spring is just around the corner...and this Winter's wonders have yet to all be revealed~

*Dreaming of daffodils today, and breathing goodness~


Anonymous said...

Oh, how I can relate to this! I love ALL the seasons! And even though I'm not fond of winter in and of itself, I could not do without it because it helps me to appreciate -- and even better understand -- all the other seasons. I love them more because of winter. Yes, "I choose light….all the while, knowing….Spring is just around the corner...and this Winter's wonders have yet to all be revealed~"

Yes, yes, yes.


andy beth miller said...

I am LEARNING to love all the seasons, ma mere. Winter is hard---I like the softness of the others....yet I am LEARNING---everyday. And choosing that light---and finding small joys, in EVERY season~

I love you~

Anonymous said...

You got this. No worries :)