~Cultivating Life~

Friday, March 16, 2012

My Other Bird's Words~

My Kindred Spirit Kristen Kidd wrote this...and it provides such hope and beautiful promise...of home~

I pray it blesses you as it did me:



Homes burn down
Homes are destroyed in war
Homes decay and dilapidate

Some people have many homes
With a million things to fill them with
Some of those same people
Suddenly have none
And roam and roam.

Stay strong in the times
When you are your only home-
The times when you must build again
When supplies are scarce
and helpers few

You deserve more, and you know
What you deserve...


Gather the twigs and leaves of each day.
Pack it in with the mud
that connects each day to the next

Know that it is worthy
Because it is you, now
- raw, keen, earth, real, malleable

On a walk, some time,
you'll come upon a home
Remarkably like your own
You'll both stand gazing
at the sticks and mud
Then turn away, hand in hand
To build new~

1 comment:

Daien said...

Stunning, brilliant, exquisitely hopeful and beautiful! Like you, sweet sister.