~Cultivating Life~

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bee itch~

Last week I met a Beekeeper….yes, a real life beekeeper…and she…OH! woman full of worldly travels and hard-won wisdom that she is, has lived several lifetimes and has yet to stop sojourneying! When I met her, I was so excited to have been introduced to an actual beekeeper…for some reason I have always been fascinated by this trade….and have likened it to the mysteriously lovely keepers of the lighthouse of long ago, or ferry men that used to row the boats back and forth across rivers, or bipartisan politicians….you know, all of those things you always heard were “out there” in this world at one point and time, but never actually got to see for your own very eyes….and here she was…earth-goddess-mama-beekeeper-shining-light-lady~

I still can’t pronounce her name (it is that cool), and I am sure it means something amazing profound and enlightening….I am quite sure in fact. I have only heard a short snippet of her story, but oh what a story it is…and tomorrow I am going to her farm to meet the bees, and to sit at her feet and just soak up her stories like a sponge….schluuuuuuuurp~

She tells me that much can be learned from bees…about our life, about ourselves, about divine order, everything and nothing... and much, much more.

I look forward to introducing myself to these makers of honey, and teachers of life….and very much look forward to being educated about all therein. Perhaps they can enlighten me (since they are surrounded by it on the daily) on the art to dealing with sweetness, yet not letting it overpower you…on diligence and teamwork, and not killing one another in these cramped colonies and honeycombs, on daily making their way about without getting mired down by the stickiness of it all…


Daien said...

Sweet, sweet Andy Beth . . . you have the rare gift of a honeyed pen, and the glittering luminescence of a fairy firefly! It was such a wonder-full day having you folks out to meet the bees. I very much look forward to further encounters and conversation. Today was truly and magically lovely!

andy beth miller said...

Mahalo Daien. I am already joyfully expectant in anticipation of our next soul session. Gratitude abounds this day~