~Cultivating Life~

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I woke up this morning and was met with warmth and sunshine. I knew today was the day for my Parc Guell. I dressed with trembling excitement…fingers fumbling over zippers, buttons and laces; distracted by what laid ahead. Then…realization—I am alone. This beautiful, blissful experience…el solo~

I slumped back down on my bed and contemplated (not gonna lie….for at LEAST 5 good minutes) burrowing back under the covers in an Eeyore-esque pile of goo. Can we say funk?

I glanced over at my bag—my trusty little camera peeking out at me. I saw her eyeing me, judging me, taunting me in her cheery little chirp: “Pile of Funk!” “Pile of Funk!”…

I giggled despite myself (fully intending to wallow in my loneliness and “woe is me” mentality, thank you very much…) and dragged my arse across the room to pick her up gently. She hummed to life and began a delightful dance through the days of my past, stepping gracefully to the trilling tunes stored in her memory—the waters of home, baking/barista beauties, lions in winter, communal cups of coffee, bonfires with brothers, swimming with sisters, best friend beauticians, sunrises with mothers at Kahana Bay, English nerds, Club dancing divas, Contra comrades, bands of bikers, and Hawaiian hippies. Tears of remembrance and fullness stung my eyes.

I gingerly placed you all in the palm of my hand…grateful fingers stretching to receive the full beauty and breath of you. I curled my tiny fist around you tightly…and held on.

We go~

And to the loneliness and “el solo” mentality?..........

Funk That”~


Anonymous said...

I like your blog..finally learned how to search people from hawaii..Decided to follow.
Maybe you can check out my blog sometime. If it interest you then you can follow mE : )

Bunch of Barrons said...

Love this post. Love the photo you took to go along with it. You're never "alone"...you are in so many people's thoughts and prayers! :) Prayin for ya and the "funk". :)

andy beth miller said...

Mahalo Chan! E Komo Mai <3

I will definitely check out your blog! Best to you! And thank you for coming along on the journey together~ Glad to have you!

andy beth miller said...

B of B: This whole experience has taught me how powerful remembrance of that very truth is: that despite the FEELINGS of loneliness...the facts are that I have been surrounding by such love and prayers and they will follow throughout the "el solo" journey....thank you so much for being a huge part of that love and offering, woman. THIS is pono~