~Cultivating Life~

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Word(s)! *to your mother, your sister, your grandpappy...whomever*...

It is the New Year. The time of resolutions, new beginnings and hopefulness for the future. I've discovered that (as I have been asked for the umpteenth time what my New Year's resolutions are) I tend to find this time of year somewhat ridiculous and tedious. I think mainly it is because *I will speak only for myself here* there are such overwhelming expectations connected to this "holiday" of ours. I almost feel like I am being lassoed with my own personal albatross...a Frankenstein of my own creation...rebirthed (or re-invented?) each and every year.

This morning, I am awake early and thinking of an amazing conversation I had with a co-worker just yesterday. What beautiful truths and illuminating insights can spring forth from such simple interchanges~ My co-worker and I were talking as I came into work about how our New Year was going, etc... She was making a comment about my hair *I most recently whacked it all almost entirely off...I remind myself presently of a baby bird with its newborn downy fuzz* She said that she liked it...and that I can always grow it out...but that for this season of my life I can "be a pixie"....and then later when it grows I can "be something else." I got to thinking about this, and for some reason, I was really bothered by it. Not bothered by my co-worker...but more about *again* the semantics of it all. I wanted to say to her, "What if I just want to 'be' ME?" Long hair, short hair...whatever...

Later in the day, I approached another co-worker and was talking with her...she was asking about my hair *are you sensing it is a big change, yet?* and the reasonings behind it....whether it was for New Year's, or if I just needed a change, etc... and I began explaining (as much as I even knew!) my "why's". I talked about simplification, seeking lightness, being unencumbered *yes, still talking about hair*...and mid-sentence I realized I did it because I COULD. And I didn't even need a damn reason why! Randomly, I immediately thought about my return to veganism...nine years strong before. I told her how I really missed sushi *random* and she said, "Oh, well you can switch back and forth between being a vegetarian, and then being a vegan, and even a carnivore Andy"...and again, I thought with rising panic and frustration..."WHAT IF I JUST 'BE' ME???" and eat...FOOD? Earth shattering profound logic, I tell you~

I then just opened up like a floodgate...all these truths coming through...we talked about health, and resolutions people make to go on diets and fitness plans and "stopping this or that" and "beginning these things." "Becoming" thinner, better (or in Hawaii we say "mo' bettah"), faster, richer,--MORE....LESS....it is exhausting to even think about.

This year I have no resolutions...not one stinkin' one. Well, maybe just one...I will not focus on making myself anything this year--not better--not stronger--not wiser. I will simply be. I will "be" good....and because of this, I will "be good."


A.R. said...

Hi Andy Beth. I stumbled across this and wanted to say . . . good for you!

You have a beautiful spirit that I admire greatly.

Happy twentyten.

LiquidFoundation said...

Good stuff Andy! I'd say you sure live UP to Your 'resolution'!!!!! Happy New Years!!!!!!

Travis Martin said...

First off, Happy New Years Andy!

This is quite an interesting post to say the least. It really has me thinking about this Life we Live. The expectations are endless and more than anything they weigh a ton. The expectations that come from strangers, friends, family, co-workers, bosses, ect, sometimes get so heavy that they will almost always turn negative. Like you said, If We just 'be' who We 'want' to be rather than what we 'need' to be or 'should' be, we will be a lot happier.

Labels, or Titles, that people place on one another, heck even on themselves, are unnecessary and again, can/will lead to negativity. It can create hostility and inequality.

Andy, keep being the amazing Person you are. Always Smiling and Enjoying this Precious Life we are GIVEn. I am BEyond 'Greatfull' for You and BJ in my Life. My Life got is that much more Beautiful when You and BJ walked in to it!

Aloha and Respect,
