~Cultivating Life~

Thursday, April 26, 2012

~Pono Pheidippides~

One of my best friends just ran a marathon.


I had the chance---was given the incredible gift, rather---of being there.

I watched as he pushed his limits, didn't back down, was humbled...physically broken...and fully spent.

And I was able to be half of the pair (one on each side) that picked him up---recognized with wonder---and rebuilt him, a single smile and shared laugh at a time.

Gratitude does not suffice to describe the feeling I have when I think of the blessing of simply BEING invited in---being allowed to witness such a milestone in his life---and scraping that sweet spirit up off the side of the road after it was all said and done.    *oh yeah, you better bet we fed him da best kine ono poke grindz afterwards too, cuz~

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