~Cultivating Life~

Sunday, January 22, 2012

~Sunrise Slap~

Yesterday was a tough day.

It was a long day.

As I drove home, I got stuck in traffic---for hours.

Once I stepped through my door…nearing 11pm…my neighbors were having a Par-tay, people…*and the music was pumpin’…(mm tizz mm tizz)

Upwards of 3am….the music has finally died down…replaced now by sliding scales of slurred speeches---yes, those lovely, drunken “conversations” (ah….I used that term loosely) to act as my evening (ah…..morning?) lullabies.

Not one single wink do I sleep. *boo….

My usual 5am alarm doesn’t even have time to yell…I am up and waiting for it’s siren scream….nebulously greeting this neverending day.

Lacing my shoes up, one sleep-deprived step sluggishly scuffles after the other…I pray I will not, in this new and unbeforeseen version of sleeprunning, veer into oncoming headlights like a drunken, drowsy deer----or wind up wading into the ocean waves—drowning in a most dramatic (and ridiculous) rendition of my own Edna Pontellier….

I am pretty far gone…I feel it. WOW.

What day is it, again?

And, MAN! am I GRUMPY.

Sensing my “Eeyore aura,” I want to run away from my own abysmal black cloud of bad attitude.

A prickly porcupine, pounding the pavement---I crest that next hill, thinking: “Dangit, and I have to drive to the airport tonight too….” *Cue the rain and thunderbolt, and batten down that hatch, Piglet!…

That's when it happens--- WHAM! I get slapped right in the face….

Not with a real hand (mind you, I probably deserved it at that particular, piti-full moment!)…but rather with this sight:

*and awareness anew--- of smallness.

Smallness of myself…and the similar size of what little I have to grumble about….


Sunshine Moonshine said...

This (and when I say this, I assuredly mean, You) is reFRESHing~


Anonymous said...

It makes me grumpy just READING about trying to run after only a few hours of sleep. Man!

OK, but the beauty in the photo does help ease the pain. :)


andy beth miller said...

Mahalo Ari, and to KS...I've learned to always carry my lil'camera with me now if I can...never want to miss moments like these...they chase the grumpy away~