Monday, March 8, 2010

Perfect Perspective~

Weddings. Oh, yes, a wedding! That once in a lifetime event (one hopes at least) that every young girl dreams about her entire life…that climax to all teenage angst-ridden romantic longings of finding “the one!” The fairytale ending; The beginning of a new and exciting chapter in life; A tangible initiation into adulthood; A ceremony symbolizing newness, and the offering of hope to a couple embarking towards a bright future together. A W-E-D-D-I-N-G! Let us all please pause for one collective romantic ……* breathy sigh * (Were your eyes lifted heavenward, your heart all aflutter, and your hands clasped together as well? ….Kudos to you, then)~

Yes, weddings are a big deal. And at these weddings, most expect a beautiful and dramatic cake as one centerpiece of the event. This past week, yours truly was commissioned by a dear friend, for help in creating one of these said confections. And when I say “creating”…I really mean “constructing”…for this cake morphed into one monster mo’ fo! Literally seeming to come alive, (in the sense that it GREW, and GREW, and GREW in epic proportions, as we toiled over its triple-layered tiers!), by the time our little cake-monster fully developed into adulthood, I was quite ready for it to leave its nest of birth and fly far, far, far away…oh, very far…*at least until I had a full nights’ sleep!* …then maybe I would have more feeling of love for my sugared-spawn~ And that’s a big maybe…

Okay, maybe I jest at how stressful this endeavor was for my colleagues and me. And maybe, * I mean we are talking about me! * I may have embellished a few details to make your heart twinge ever so slightly more deeply. Guilty as charged J However, the fact does remain that we were, indeed, working under an immense amount of pressure in regards to being the bearers of the bride’s one and only wedding cake. There were to be pictures (insane amounts at that)…so many, in fact, that by the end of the evening the beautiful and blushing bride will feel as if her face is about to melt off, --her cheeks, most noticeably, will ache for want of rest…the ceaseless barrages of “And, SMILE!” bounding at her all evening from the frenzy of well-wishing photographers * professional and otherwise * ~ As well as pictures, there was to be the absolute adoration of the attendees to attain, * as well as the possible scorn and snobbery of the what I call the “Gucci-guests” to avoid * Yes, it was, indeed still a certified stress-inducing undertaking.

As we went through the process of making the cake, I realized intermittently that I would go through peaks and valleys of my emotional mountain. * What a crazy a** hike that is most days, my friends... and NOT one for the faint of heart, I assure you! * As we laid out the initial blueprint of the cake construction, I felt my heart starting to beat slightly faster…that old familiar bead of sweat began tickling and teasing my brow, in hopes I would let it escape down my cheek….yes, the two telltale buddies that herald the arrival of Andy’s overwhelm. * Valley one * I noticed this and staved off the approaching angst by being proactive and suggesting a list be made…order this chaos, yes please…haha, bastard lose, and my beloved (oh how beloved!) control has been restored to the scene! * Peak one* Such continued the day, (peak to valley to peak) for a marathon stretch of well over twelve hours. After having painstakingly rolled fondant, measured layers, stacked and sealed seams, fluted flowers, piped icing, and aesthetically adorning all, (and, of course, making sure it was, indeed, colored to match) my friends and I were so exhausted. Applying the finishing touches, we surveyed our creation.

My eyes immediately went to the * what I know must be blatently obvious! * one stripe that was slightly off center. My friend Sharon was crouched closely to the bottom layer, convinced that the entire cake was crooked. “Was that flower supposed to be there?” “Did the bride want beads lining the edge, or would she hate these?” “Oh my Gawd! Is that a crack in the fondant?” Yes, I warned you the entire process had not entirely been a walk in the park! Our perfectionistic perusal continued as we microscopically went over the surface of the cake. Enter the third helper, BJ, who took one look from across the room and exclaimed with such affirmation and excitement: “AWESOME JOB GUYS! Looks great! ” I stopped, Sharon stopped…we looked at each other…we looked at BJ, weighing his intentions * yep, pure *.... and then we stepped back and took a second look.

What a beautiful cake it was--Made with love and the best intentions…filled with sweetness and infused with such hopes and blessings to a couple beginning their new life together. This cake, was indeed, perfect~


Bunch of Barrons said...

Wow...that's quite and undertaking! :) I remember I tried to make a 6 layer cake one time. It ended up being three...but no one knew the difference, and it tasted just fine even though it was short a few layers! ;)

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful cake made by such a beautiful & creative artist!