~Cultivating Life~

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Isolation, Preparation, Self-Preservation~

This past month, ever since I found I would be leaving my home, friends, and what has now become my Ohana (family), I have been somewhat of an emotional roller coaster. Granted, no one would have known this by simply looking at me. But, rather, I know myself, and am able to clearly see the signs that show my stirred state of mind.

I recognize it in the small things, seemingly insignificant to most, yet for me, they are classic signposts that I am “going through a season”. This season, what I see as yet one more transition, is riddled with change, yes THAT DREADED CHANGE * shudder *.

I realized yesterday that my life here I am so happy with (and in). Some days everything within me is gravitating to that “Don’t rock the boat” mentality. “Just stay Andy Beth….you love your little life here!” I will chant this mantra over myself, and then stop and remember this amazing opportunity and blessing that has been laid before me by God…this challenge, if you will * for He KNOWS it is a huge obstacle of fear to overcome for this stability loving soul! * I often feel that He has given me specifically this option in life because it involves risk…and trust…and spontanaiety…all of which now don’t be shocked too much I NEVER would have chosen of my own freewill and accord. Really. Don’t get me wrong, I love trying new things…but I PLAN to try new things, and I PLAN on how I will go about them, and I THINK AHEAD of all the outcomes and make all arrangements according to how I am confident * based on my precise ahem calculations * that things will inevitably turn out exactly as PLANNED *tied pristinely with a pretty pink color-coordinated bow, thank you *

What struck me most with this upcoming season of change is thinking about how very much of my home I will be missing here. The little things…like daily coffee with my good friend Lamm, the sunset swims with my girls, evening bonfires on the beach with the funniest and over-the-top jokesters I have ever met, sunlit bike rides that make me feel more alive everyday, buying fresh honey from heaven and calming kava from the local man in his roadside stand, or even going to the market and “talking story” with my favorite cashier.

My first reaction to this present predicament is a defense mechanism I have often used in the past…isolation. In my oh so strange mind, I somehow believe that if I simply stay to myself these last few weeks, and train my heart to “not need anyone”… and become that lone wolf…then I will be more “ready,” or that it will make things better and easier to tear myself away when the time for departure comes. I noticed myself beginning these patterns earlier this week…politely refusing invitations to parties, opting to do yoga at home versus attending my favorite beachside class, embarking on early morning solo hikes and bike rides versus joining my buddies who have a pretty amazing little group going most days, or even shyly eschewing beautiful souls who desire to take me out * in the convoluted notion that this will somehow make me less lonely “in the long run, of course” *

This week I tangibly sensed my masochistic insanity. In my seeking of self-preservation, I was drying up from lack of fellowship and love like a raisin left out to bake in the sun. I knew I had to stop this negative pattern of being paralyzed by fear…and I also knew I would have to do it afraid. So, rather than pull away from these relationships and invitations in my life, I am striving to sprint towards them as if my life depends on it (for in actuality, I am realizing it does).

This past week was spent in complete community and fellowship. I have been blessed to experience the intimacy of friendship and love that I have only dreamed of, and read about, in favorite books…agape love such as that which was found in the apostle Paul’s Corinthian Community--that realistic, tangible love and mutual concern that Hollywood movies find boring and non-screen worthy, yes…that GOOD stuff of the everyday.

I used to fear this type of closeness. I was a master at placing walls—realizing that to be so open and known, is to be made vulnerable—and vulnerability to me, was dangerous. I still see the "danger,"-- yet I am now understanding that there is such breathtaking beauty in risk….and unfettered freedom to be found in offering oneself up to the amazing possibilities of all things yet known~


Anonymous said...

Hey! I can totally relate to everything you have just said. YOu are amazing and will have such an awesome time conquering your fear. And the stability will be there when you get back to it. :) Don't isolate yourself! I regret that I isolated myself so much when we lived in the same place. I know how it feels to be afraid of change, the unknown, hard things.

Byron L Yeager said...

i feel you. these ideas flow through my mind at all moments, and i am so grateful you can express them in words.

mahalo nui loa

Byron L Yeager said...

...its so simple to follow a path which many seek for pleasure of erroneous gratification, yet pure happiness exists when the heart guides us. usually through a trail which seems risky, probably different strokes than we are use to. for this is the unknown, the abyss...this is the very essence of bliss.

Anonymous said...

Big smile on this face ...

Dr. P

crcatalan said...

Andy Beth, dear friend. You are so right on and honest! He will lead you to places of fear and uncertainty to force you to trust. The Lord we serve is a selfish good God. He will do anything to have you running back to Him. To keep you so close to the cloth of His loins. He will pit you into the worst places of your imagination but never leave you in the dungeon with lions alone. We will rise to the top with Him when we take the leap of faith. And become a testimony to all we encounter here, there, and everywhere! Keep the faith of encouragement! We aren't here to serve ourselves. But with all we do, we are soldiers of His love. To Him be all the glory!! Mahalo for your truth. I love you, sister!

andy beth miller said...

Mahalo for your reflection of that truth, C. Love you too, sister~

The Precious. said...

I like this. You will be fine.

Unknown said...

Wow, this post was a huge wake up call for me! . . . Like you, I “train my heart to ‘not need anyone’… and become that lone wolf.” It is so easy to think that we are somehow better off or ‘stronger’ (as I like to think) if we just keep to ourselves, and rely on JUST ourselves . . . become our own self sufficient, emotionally isolated, “hard as a rock” being. The irony of it all is that people like us are the VERY SAME people that constantly feel the NEED to always be there for others . . . be THEIR rock, THEIR shoulder, THEIR ‘defender.’ Yet, we (I) refuse to let someone truly be there for us (me).
I guess the question that this post makes me ask myself is this: If I believe that OTHERS need to rely on a community of people for help, fellowship, and love, then what makes me think that I don’t have to rely on a community as well?

Great post buddy!!! . . . I can’t believe that you actually got me to “open up” on your blog ;)

andy beth miller said...

Ash, I actually had "us" in mind a lot while writing this blog. I understand far too well exactly what you are relating as far as pertaining to the "stronger" mentality.

I am so grateful for your input and insight. Keep opening up, woman...there is so much inside of you~

andrew j. myers said...

'there is no safe investment. to love at all is to be vulnerable.' c.s. lewis. 'the four loves.'

andy beth miller said...

Andrew: I feel that quote is such a relevant and beautiful addition to this posting...I wanted to post the whole passage for context...it is just that good. Mahalo for sharing, brother~

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket- safe, dark, motionless, airless--it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable.”- CS Lewis~