~Cultivating Life~

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Impromptu STAPH Meeting~

I have a STAPH infection. It is gross. * Whines * However, as I am sitting here in my mandatory “rest-mode,” I am seeing that this whole situation has given me great fodder for ye olde blog…as well as many lessons learned…always, it seems….lessons learned.

The day began as normal as possible here on the North Shore. The game plan for the day was to spend the day packing, so I set to it. My friend, (who has requested to remain nameless) so we will call him “Rainbows” J was supposed to come help me move. Once he arrived, it was certain that I was NOT doing anything other than heading straight to the ho-po to be checked out. At first, I shied away from this plan…I didn’t want to inconvenience anyone…”Rainbows” taught me my first lesson of the night….to accept help and love from others. Always a tough one for us, yes?

First, we made a stop that Rainbows insisted on….a visit to his friend who is a nurse so that she could take a look at, and clean, my lesions. I was VERY MUCH opposed to this! I, a vain woman, was in no way feeling the desire to meet ANY unknown new friend with gaping, oozing sores on my face. * No thank you, sir! * But, Rainbows won out (as he often does in our friendship!) and on we went.

We got to Nellie’s house and I immediately felt at home…lesions be damned! because these were some amazing people who just wanted to help. Nellie’s companion graciously opened the door wide, and before I could even get out the apology for monopolizing their Saturday night, he lifted his hand in a wave of welcome…all the while placing the kettle on the stove…preparing the way for blessed tea and sympathy. Blessed soul~

I followed Nellie into the bathroom and, as she was dressing my sores, we got to talking about her giving up her Saturday night…I thanked her again. She looked at me kind of strangely for a second, and then gave me the biggest hug, reminding me of the truth in her heart that, according to her, it was SHE that needed ME—SHE that "needed to be needed"). She went on to tell me a bit about her, and what she has been going through in her life lately…a dry spell if you will. I shared with her how I believe in seasons of life…encouraging her that she is simply in her winter season…and that Spring indeed, must be coming. Such hope fills me at that forward-thinking thought!…this moment too will pass~

The night continued on: the dressing of my wounds, the scraping of my face, the angry bleeding, the humiliating vulnerability, and the hurting. After all is said and done, Nellie moves to clean me up and send me on my way….she apologetically reaches for a HUGE bandage for the side of my head. "Sorry!" she says…."I know this looks not very pretty, but if you don’t mind I think it will be better” …I respond immediately with, “Girl, you do whatever you have to, I have resigned myself that this AIN’T gonna be pretty!” As we both dissolved into laughter, I look at myself in the mirror…and see our reflections—two daughters of this earth just trying to make it as best we can, encouraging one another through our winters. * And no, I WASN'T a pretty sight….but “This” was beautiful * ~

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