~Cultivating Life~

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Lately I have been having a plethora of computer glitch issues. It’s so slow, or cuts out, or kicks me offline without notice. (Stephanie Tanner’s sentiments explain my feelings exactly: how rude, indeed~)

I have found in trying to troubleshoot with these problems, that if I simply hit the refresh button on the site….it fixes the issue, at least for a time. I have often wished there were a refresh (or let’s face it, even a delete) button in life… * for when the page we are on gets tired…or “freezes up,” …stagnant and still….NOTHING GOING….stalled. I’d simply hit that refresh…and there is a recharge, a rejuvenation…the page is cleared and we trusty little computers are freed and enabled to go on about our same business as before. Oh, sounds wonderful.

A techie friend of mine tried explaining to me in simple terms why computers freeze up like mine has been lately (I felt like I was living a “How To, for Dummies” book during said conference, but was grateful nonetheless for the better understanding gleaned). He shared with me that the computer gets tired, and if it has been going for too long a period of time without being “refreshed,” or even turned off and given a complete rest, it will begin to slow…sometimes even quitting and freezing up completely; unable to accomplish the sole purpose(s) that it was (and is) intended for.

My friend knowingly looked up at me, and gingerly took my laptop from my inexperienced (and impatiently taskmaster driving) hands. He shifted the mouse to hover over a small arrow, clicking just once. The icon spun slightly, and, just like that, the page was revived and humming again. All he had to do was help me to stop, find the right key, and allow my computer to be revived…somedays even to completely stop expecting it to work for me, and let it be at rest. No expectations…no demands.

No expectations.

No demands.

Just Rest.

And Refresh....

I want to be a human refresh button.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What you said about this made my heart ache in "sweetness". You know the discussions we have had about "sweet"- so can I just say "utterly kind"-- and yes, my honest, seeing, authentic, friend- you are.