~Cultivating Life~

Monday, October 17, 2011

Small Wisdom.

Things Kids Say~

Have you ever been truly astounded by something surprisingly profound a small child has said to you? It happened to me today…as it admittedly often does. But this time was different…it was so fitting…so welcomed….so right.

As I was leaving my studio, the little neighbor girl runs up to me and tugs on my skirt. I look down into her big blue eyes and wait with patient expectation of forthcoming actual words *and an eventual end to the frantic tugging that is presently threatening to disrobe me. And I wait…still going…there…”Aunt Andy (tug, tug) …igotstatellyousumfin!”

I wait..(tug, tug) “itsumfinreeeeeelyimpawtunt….I need to ask!” Still waiting. “Have you ever had this, this THING right in the pit of your tummy, chewing away at you, HURTING you, and you just can’t seem to get it gone? And you just KNOW that you need to have it not inside anymore…so you can stop hurting?!”

Whoa. Talk about profound. I stare wide-eyed at this small kid, and wonder at her intuitiveness, her insight into my deepest heart these days. Yes. I know that feeling. Yes. I have been there. Yes. Sometimes it feels like I live there. I want to respond with so much, yet curb myself…and I just nod and reply, “Ellie, I know exactly how you feel, sweetheart. Want to talk about it?”

She jumps up and gets one millimeter from my nose….and shouts exultingly “YOU ate too much macaroni and cheese last night too?!?!?!?” “I don’t think there is anything to say, but mommy says I just need to poo!”

As I smile and walk away, I am reminded that maybe I had slightly overestimated the depth of wisdom of my little neighbor…but then again…maybe not. I realize there IS commonality there….it all rings true. The ending remains…sometimes you just need to get rid of the crap, get it gone~

Yes please~


Anonymous said...

This is adorable...and so true!

Anonymous said...

Man you gotta love kids....they get it...even when they don't...thanks for sharing Andy BE <3 I love reading everything you write, little lady.