Saturday, October 30, 2010

Leaving Home~

Many of you already know I left Hawaii and came to North Carolina this week.

It was a full week.

I missed home—and reveled in home—embraced home—and drowned in home.

I sensed home—was overwhelmed with home—made peace with home. I hungered and was starved for home—and feasted on home. I gave thanks at home—sought truth at home. I found home—and lost myself in home.

I stepped on a plane and flew far—and found closeness. Fears were faced, and giants were defeated—leaving only shrinking shadows.

I left home for home…and reveled in the radiance of Autumnal air…it was cleared…and it was fresh.

One week passed…too short for comfort….too lengthy to remain unattached.

Yet, I step in this plane, leaving home for home…I arrive to bask in the warmth of sun’s shining…knowing it will rise again each morning from this day forward—heralding the newness~

And I will look around me and give thanks for my home.

And I will close my eyes, set off across this ocean, and remember in praise (with prayers) my home.

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