~Cultivating Life~

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Everything...and Nothing~

Today I am pausing....I am taking a deep breath...and I am re-thinking this whole thing.

The following questions are just a small smattering of the ones I have posed to the ambitious *and often overly optimistic* Andy Beth:

"What the heck do you know about taking a whirlwind world tour?"

"What evidence do you have that shows you that you can pull this thing off?"

"What are you planning on accomplishing at the end of this journey?"

"What exactly are your specific goals?"

One Word Answer is Sufficient for all these queries for that rambling redhead: NOTHING. *Yup, you got it!*

I know NOTHING about trotting the globe. I have ZERO tangible evidence *especially if we are looking at MY track record!* that creates any illusion that I am "qualified" for this job (or any job for that matter). I have NO measurable objectives for which to shoot once I embark upon my way. And NONE of my thoughts are specific---much less my goals...random, yes...specific...not exactly~

I realize these truths as I am sitting down before a stack of guide books. THE LONELY PLANET, FROMMERS, FODORS and NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC tower over my head, offering guidance. The pages of these books lay open on the table before me...spines spread...fanning out like proud peacocks, flaunting their exquisite plumage. I survey the scene, noting the massive collection of charts and maps so rudely leaving not one inch of visible surface......

And I decide to make myself some elbow room, damnit!

I am here. Now. Drowning among these "preferable" and "helpful" suggestions. The experts are confusing me...their voices are conflicting, and their numbers too many. They are too loud for my sensitive ears. I close my eyes and cup my hands upon the sides of my head *the hilarious protective measure of fatherly Vince Vaugh ala "Old School" invades my imagination..."EAR MUFFS!"*

And now...nothing.

So there you have it. I Confess! I have no idea where exactly I am taking you! I have not a clue as to what we will be doing! Who we will meet is a mystery and sweet, suspenseful question mark. Here lies our unwritten book! What you will be reading is the random musings of my heart and soul...and I pray I may serve you well in relating whatever message we are supposed to find together. I came across this quote while wading fruitlessly in the midst of my afore-mentioned, overwhelmed agitation:

“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” – Martin Buber

And now I see...Nothing....is everything.

E Komo Mai, friends. It's going to be one great adventure~

1 comment:

Bunch of Barrons said...

Looking forward to reading about your travels! Got your message, and will definitely post a link on my blog for ya! :) Have fun and be safe!