~Cultivating Life~

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Soooo Fired~

I have not written in a few days. I had not thought much about this fact until I was reminded by a friend (in love, of course), that I had better get with the program and become consistent in my postings, as it is: “technically my job come April.” I have been contemplating this turn of events, the fact that I am, in essence, supporting myself solely through my writing this year—making me an actual, “writer” of sorts. This title makes me laugh, and simultaneously overwhelms the bejesus out of me. Therefore, I am officially announcing my resignation…no…I am taking it one step further and am absolutely firing myself, termination effective immediately!

I have decided, however, that I would be willing to accept a lesser position, as “field researcher” and “fact gatherer” for an elite and special task force, who operates under the mantle: “Ponopeople.” My first reaction when I was approached with working with this underground group was that surely there was someone better qualified for the job than myself. Yet, those who have been involved with this mission from the ground up assure me that they have weighed the costs and handpicked me precisely due to the fact that I am such an unlikely candidate. No one would ever suspect that I work for this operation and am familiar with its inner-workings. Think about it…a mere civilian…unassuming and boringly average.

Uncanny...how illogical it seems that I am to be trusted with such a fantastic mission…therefore making perfect sense. This mission: * which I have chosen to accept * : to go into the world, seeking out ponopeople across the globe, and writing their stories…I will keep a log of my own thoughts as I go through the rigorous training involved… revealing the many lessons I am sure to learn along the way…recording and storing every bit of data I come across, in hopes of returning to homebase with a wealth of information with which the Ponopeople can collectively use to their advantage in their greater mission: Finding that fine balance of Goodness, Rightness, and Life~

If you are receiving a copy of this memo, you have been deemed as a vital and integral member of this mission: your name appearing on a top-secret list. I am counting on you to be my contact(s)…my inside links into the Ponopeople realm as I wander…my connection to the core. I have complete faith that you are also up to this task. And on we go. This memo will self destruct within 30 seconds…*and if it doesn’t, by some chance…rest assured that just means that it * ahem * must be written in that, um, new invisible “only-you-can-read-this-ink” that they have only recently just come up with *do you sense this is INCREDIBLE ink?* that so few people know about in the world…*

……30, 29, 28, 27….


Melissa F. said...

Love it!

Melissa F. said...

LOVE it!

KCC said...

count me in :)

Anonymous said...

what an exciting journey ahead of you! embrace it, fully... and look forward to reading Pono stories worldwide.

Anonymous said...

I feel so privileged!

Dr. P

Anonymous said...

yeah yeah yeah! I can't wait to read your stuff when you're gathering information. It'll be so awesome to walk along side.

I wanted to make a comment on your tags. The one word tag is good, but the phrases - I think work better. So use the one word tags, but then also tag the actual phrases that you use in the post. When you think about your Google searches - typically - you search for a phrase so start tagging some phrases with your one word ones.

Have you monetized your blog yet? Just asking.

andy beth miller said...

Thanks for the advice, Lem! I always appreciate it! I have not monetized the blog yet, still praying about that...not sure how I feel about it yet~

Thanks so much for walking this journey with me, all of you! I am blessed indeed with such comrades~

Unknown said...

we did it!!!!!