~Cultivating Life~

Monday, September 14, 2009

Love: Pono Style~

Aloha all,

Was sent this amazing quote by a fellow sojourner of ours today who thought that it embodied the true Pono style spirit (and I quite agree!) Keep those thoughts, comments and YOUR additions coming, Ponopeople! It is the reason this blog was started in the first place, to empower, encourage and edify one another along this journey we call life. I look forward to walking with you every step of the way! (Feel free to follow up this posting with any of your quotes, etc that you feel also captures the pono philosophy....what a great way to bless others who visit this blog today....and the writer just so happens to like being blessed too, so keep 'em coming!)

"heard this definition of love today: doing all you can to help another reach his or her fullest potential"~

Sounds like a challenge~ Sounds good~

1 comment:

Melissa F. said...

Love this! Even the Bible holds the faith of a child in high esteem.
There is an inner child in all of us and some of us are just brave enough to let that child come out and play!
As my dad says, he "tried being an adult one day" and he didn't like it.